Homo ludens - playfulness

These videos were originally made for our grandchildren but gained a slightly larger audience on Facebook. Light relief during the Level 4 & Level 3 periods of lock-down due to the Covid-19 virus in 2020. They were mainly done at my desk during breaks from marking essays. They continued into Level 2.

(All the music and sound clips in the videos are royalty-free, no copyright.)

Amazing!  Personal magnetism - yours and mine

Juggling on a Monday

The trim milk container flies away

The orange in the bottle

How to make your head disappear

The levitating ball of paper

Water turns to ice in five seconds!!

On the bottle

With my brother Tony at Hamilton Gardens

The Pinot Noir mediation position

A seat with a view, Hamilton Gardens

Auckland near the Ellen Melville Centre

The Invisible Man

The contortionist

An apple a day

14th century monks finding the right page

Grapefruit and apple

Water pouring through the head

How to bowl a googly

The red ball trick - from our grandson's new Christmas magic set, 2022

Santa's sleigh 2023

Invisible thread

Long jumpers

Jumping from a height

A historical visit to the Hamilton Gardens

Looking after your teeth - an instructional video

During a Zoom call, late Jurassic

Umbrella and weather

The Matrix

Tiger, tiger, burning bright